Suggestions for daily Advent activities can be found in the calendar below.
This Advent calendar has been adapted from Loyola Press.
December 1 – First Sunday of Advent |
I will spend a few extra minutes in prayer today. |
December 2 |
I will do my work well today and with joy for God. |
December 3 |
I will listen to my family, educators and others in charge of me |
December 4 |
I will be kind in a special way to someone I do not know very well yet.
December 5 |
I will work hard today and do my best. |
December 6 |
I will keep calm and not lose my temper when I am pushed or treated rudely. |
December 7 |
I will try to show love and kindness for someone who seems unhappy or lonely.
December 8 – Second Sunday of Advent |
I will secretly do a kind act for someone. |
December 9 – Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
I will honour Mary in a very special way today by being cheerful.
December 10 |
I will donate like-new toys and books I've outgrown to needy families.
December 11 |
I will be a peacemaker today in school and at home.
December 12 |
I will eat more of what is good for me today and less of what is not.
December 13 |
I will do some work for my family to help them rest after a day of work.
December 14 |
I will be satisfied with the things I have instead of asking my family for more.
December 15 - Third Sunday of Advent |
I will try to be patient today.
December 16 |
I will ask Mary to help me make room for Jesus in my heart. |
December 17 |
I will find a quiet place and sit for a few minutes, just letting God love me. |
December 18 |
I will try to be more thoughtful of others. |
December 19 |
I will make a special effort to be kind to those I find it hard to like. |
December 20 |
I will speak kindly to all I meet today. |
December 21 |
I will be helpful at home these last days before Jesus' birthday. |
December 22 - Fourth Sunday of Advent |
I will not complain today, even if I must do things I do not want to do. |
December 23 |
I will thank God for all he gives to me. |
December 24 |
I welcome Jesus with great love and offer him all the good acts I have performed and the prayers I have said during Advent.
December 25 - Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord |
Christ is Born! Merry Christmas to all of our Durham Catholic Families! May the wonders of Christ's love be with you now and always. |