Family Advent Activity Calendar

We welcome you to participate in Advent activities with your family.
DCPIC Advent Craft Night

Advent candles sitting in a star with greenery

DCDSB elementary students and their families are invited to drop in for a free, faith and fun-filled evening of Advent crafting and light refreshments.

When: Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Location: Pope Francis Centre (652 Rossland Rd. West, Oshawa, Ontario)

Suggestions for daily Advent activities can be found in the calendar below.

This Advent calendar has been adapted from Loyola Press.

 November 27 – First Sunday of Advent

 I will spend a few extra minutes in prayer today.

black and white photograph of hands in prayer

 November 28

 I will do my work well today and with joy for God.

photo of students at their desks studying

 November 29

 I will listen to my family, educators and others in charge of me

a photo of a family walking outside on a path

November 30

I will be kind in a special way to someone I do not know very well yet.


three young girls with their arms around each other

 December 1

I will work hard today and do my best. 

two students writing in their books

 December 2 

 I will keep calm and not lose my temper when I am pushed or treated rudely.

photo of a young boy outside looking a little sad

 December 3 - Memorial to St. Francis Xavier

I will try to show love and kindness for someone who seems unhappy or lonely.

photo of a girl on a swing 

 December 4 – Second Sunday of Advent

 I will secretly do a kind act for someone.

 Children hands on top of each other

 December 5 

I will eat more of what is good for me today and less of what is not.

a photo of an array of fruits and vegetables


 December 6– Memorial of St. Nicholas 

I will donate like-new toys and books I've outgrown to needy families.

Brown teddy bear sitting on grass outside, waving


December 7 – – Memorial of St. Ambrose

I will be a peacemaker today in school and at home.

a picture of a plant in some soil in someones hands



 December 8 – Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

I will honour Mary in a very special way today by being cheerful.  

a painting of the Virgin Mary



 December 9 

I will do some work for my family to help them rest after a day of work.


a young girl standing in front of a window looking through outfits



December 10 

I will be satisfied with the things I have instead of asking my family for more.

Father handing a basketball to son


December 11 - Third Sunday of Advent

I will try to be patient today.

illustration of Jesus praying


 December 12 – Memorial of Our Lady of Guadalupe 

I will ask Mary to help me make room for Jesus in my heart.

a painting of our Lady of Guadalupe

 December 13 – Memorial of St. Lucy

I will find a quiet place and sit for a few minutes, just letting God love me. 

young boy blowing the seeds off a dandelion

 December 14 – Feast Day of St. John of the Cross.

I will try to be more thoughtful of others. 

young child laying on a bed reading the bible

 December 15

 I will make a special effort to be kind to those I find it hard to like.

young children outside playing

 December 16

 I will speak kindly to all I meet today.

young girl smiling

 December 17

 I will be helpful at home these last days before Jesus' birthday.

a mother helping her young daughter cut vegetables

 December 18 - Fourth Sunday of Advent

 I will not complain today, even if I must do things I do not want to do.

a young child washing a fork in the sink

 December 19 

 I will thank God for all he gives to me.

a young girl praying

 December 20 

I will be grateful and thank God today for the blessings I have.

young girl praying


 December 21 – Feast Day of St. Peter Canisius

I will give a smile to all I meet today.

a young girl smiling at the camera

 December 22

 I will do a kind act for each member of my family.

a family in a group hug

 December 23

I will do what I can to be please my family in a special way today.

family sitting at a table together

 December 24

 I welcome Jesus with great love and offer him all the good acts I have performed and the prayers I have said during Advent.

a young boy holding a bible praying

December 25 - Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord

Christ is Born! Merry Christmas to all of our Durham Catholic Families! May the wonders of Christ's love be with you now and always.

Mary, baby Jesus, and Joseph figures by three candles